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 Part 1:

Format: AVI Compression: Xvid MPEG-4 CodecThe size: 315 mbDuration: 20:38

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Format: AVI Compression: Xvid MPEG-4 CodecThe size: 475 mbDuration: 31:04

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Центр Илизарова 

Center Ilizarova


 Внимание фильм о истории развития центрa

Attention a film about development stories centre

Center Ilizarova - unique medical institution in Russia, having the national and international certificate of quality of offered services. Developed in ФГУ "РНЦ" the WTO »techniques of treatment of traumas and diseases of oporno-impellent system are known all over the world.
Operations on lengthening of extremities are unique: by means of Kurgan doctors the person is capable to increase the growth by 25 centimeters. Amazement in colleagues is caused by operations in the field of neurosurgery and вертебрологии. The people paralysed after a stroke, having passed treatment on a method of Ilizarova, again started to go and normally to talk. Doctors from the Center of a name of Ilizarova in Zauralye also managed to develop a technique of treatment of serious traumas and backbone pathologies. Traumatologists and orthopedists from the Barrow have learned to correct congenital anomalies at the person. Along with sick people in Center Ilizarova there pass treatment animals. Dogs, cats, birds and other animals become patients of clinic often. It was necessary to treat circus bears, leopards and even lions.

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